Tuesday, May 27, 2014

MALIK ATTA MOHD:: The last of the Dinosaurs:

                                                                                                                                                               A very versatile feudal Lord of Kot Fateh Jang Attock.
Acted a role as Second Lt Faraz's father in the popular series ''Alpha Bravo Charlie''..An Aitchisonian and an Oxon. Best Tent Pegger and horse rider and won trophies for that .Also president pakistan Equestrian and Tent pegging association of pakistan..Famous for wearing a 7 yrd cloth Turban on his head and moves around the world in Paki dress and that head wear.Hosted the international Tent pegging even in Faisalabad.Quite a fun guy to be around with.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pakistani Dramas ,a total self pitying whining party:

Recently I saw a Pakistani TV drama for the first time in my life.Its just a big ''Self Pittying party''...All characters continuously cry. One might as well watch a horror movie.
Paki Dramas diminish one's resolve to solve problems.Must be banned for kids viewing as they will create ''self pitying'' crying adults later.

HEC Rankings Lopsided:

I think HEC rankings are lopsided.LUMS Lahore way better than NUST or PIEAS but doesn't show up in the rankings.Also CASE(center for adv studies in Engg) in G6/4 Islamabad never shows up in rankings.Though they win many Robotic competitions.But rankings never show them.All good professors in GIKI left it for NUST and LUMS lahore but GIKI still shows up good in rankings.Cause Musharraf diverted all funds into NUST so GIKI being private couldnt pay as much salaries as NUST in those days.Also being in Swabi village meant no fun for faculty, so they left for NUST.As salary was the only mainstay that kept GIKI afloat but drowned later.
Also Illahi Buksh Soomro its Rector degraded GIKI's worth..

Chinese army put in US court for hacking into US computers.

ST Petersburg turning into a new economic center

ST petersburg under Putin has gone to such an economic power house a dollar 2 trillion economy that Gazprom wud shift its headquarters to St petersburg just as a PR exercise to keep abreast of daily back deals in St petersburg.


Obama's clever tactic,instead of sanctioning Russia on Ukraine it sanctioned Putin's cronies the Russian Oligarchs and not the civil population.Different from Clinton's sanctioning of Iraq in Saddam's era.Cause oligarchs run Ukraine affair and not the Duma in St petersburg.

 Thailand's Army declared martial law

Thailand's Army declared martial law early morning without consulting the sitting acting prime minister.Bangkok was getting violent by the day.The prime-minister was ordered out of office by the supreme-court on charges of overstepping her legal boundaries.The redshifts and t he other group erupted into extreme violence.The city went to a ground halt in the recent days.Strangely the tourism still continued.The army commander had two choices either to kill the 2007 constitution or just put some sections of it in abeyance like Musharraf.He went for the softer option.Called all the political opponents in the army club in Bangkok to talk.Equivalent to the Rawalpindi Army mess where they kepy Nawaz sharif and shehbaz in detention in oct 1999.
All around the streets army has seized all Govt buildings.Even tourists are taking pics wid army soldiers and sitting in their jeeps wid their millitary gear to take selfies.

PUTINS Economic Theory:

Putins theory of making a few Russians Billionaires and controlling them to create a ''Trickle down effect'' to boost russian economy. Similar to Ayub khan's making of 21 rich industrialist families.That worked in Russia.Didnt quite work in pakistan.But still Ayub did a good job.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

We are so constituted that we can gain intense pleasure only from the contrast, and only very little from the condition itself.”

― Sigmund Freud,
Recently I saw a Pakistani TV drama for the first time in my life.Its just a big ''Pity party''...All characters continuously cry.One shud rather see a horror movie.
Paki Dramas diminish one's resolve to solve problems.Must be banned for kids viewing as they will create ''self pity'' crying adults later.
''Man is civilized only in the presence of others''.
Sigmund Freud

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

WHY THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE (the last empire of Muslims) COLLAPSED:
(Its parallels in our Indian Subcontinent and European ''Renaissance'' )
 Ottoman-Turks ruled the half of Europe,parts of Africa,whole of Arabia .But because of their technical and administrative decay they gradually shriveled and were later referred to as the ''sick man of Europe''. Later they were kicked out of Europe with the same agaggression that they had first entered Europe under the command of Tariq bin Zayad an African Berber Muslim of Moroccan origin .(Tariq Bin Zeyad famous for the conquest of Spain)
Because the Muslims failed to be dynamic and were too proud of their past and never tried to learn new sciences and learning.Had we had a world vision and competed with western powers by adapting and learning the Ottoman empire (khilafate osmania) wud not have been destroyed and we cud have still been living wid dignity under an Islamic comity of nations. European ''Renaissance'' is analogous in the context that the Catholic church was opposed to any new Idea of thought similar to our Maulvis and all new developments were as aggressively opposed by them as a result erupted a new group of protesters against the old christian order in a sort of movement called ''Protestants''.The fate of Galileo his hanging in the Old renaissance time Italy and the case of ''Joan of Arc'' who was burnt at the stake by the French King and the church owing to her radical ideas which were evolved but the church opposed them though she talked of the poor.Their Catholic church opposed it as aggressively as our religious mentors (Maulvis) opposed all the new Ideas.But the European renaissance won and u see people like Leonardo Davinci and Martin Luther (the old one of Germany) brought about changes through ideas then thought as radicals which culminated in the ''French revolution'' which totally changed the fate of all the European Caucasian race altogether.Thus a new modern civilized european race emerged out of it.While our Ottoman Turk empire of muslims shud have adopted to that change and learnt new lessons and learned sciences but our pride and our religious scholars opposed all the new sciences and as a result our Last Muslim empire of Ottomans was kicked out of Europe due to its lethargic attitude.It simply lost its charm the one it had from 12th century till the 15th century under Sultan Mehmet who lost the last battle to annex the present day Austria and died doing that. At the time Syed Jamaludin afghani came and reiterated that the Khalifah shud be under the parliament and shud listen to the dictates of the parliament but he was referred to as a Kafir,an infidel by the ullemah of the time.His plan to reincarnate the muslim empire failed.Then sir syed ahmad khan is still called a kafir and abused by the religious heads,due to whose efforts in education pakistan is now a nuclear power.Because muslims before him didnt learn new sciences.
Even Allama Iqbal was referred to as the agent of the British and called a Kafir,andthe great Ullemah of the time openly declared that ''We will not participate in the making of Pakistan as it is the ''Pakistan of Iqbal' and has nothing to do with Islam''.Do u think we r sitting now free in this pakistan was that a wrong thing done by Iqbal?.Then Jinnah had always been referred to as ''Kafir e Azam'' by the maulvis of that time.

Monday, May 12, 2014

HUGH CATCHPOLE's ,50 years of service to Pakistan
HUGH CATCHPOLE a true legend. Sacrificed 70 yrs of his life to educate Pakistanis.
Institution builder in every right.Cadet college Hasanabdal was his brain child and then PAF public school Sargodha and later Abbotabad public school. Indian millitary academy Dehra Dun was his career start in 1928. Buried inside Cadet college Hasanabdal in accordance with his wishes.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Its not that pakistan doesn't have jobs,it has a shortage of skilled workforce.One of the major reasons being: Universities not in sync with Industrial needs.Both these entities live in separate universes.Lums Lahore isnt a sought after place since its divine,the only reason its good is that its pioneer fathers were industrialists Descon etc,so they made sure what they taught was derived from daily industrial needs..So followed LUMS's popularity viz a viz students entry..In the west there arent angels teaching in classes,I did a small c language course in the university of west england in Bristol,though it was an average university by British standards but the teacher Pritchard who taught us for one he worked in an industry secondly all things he taught were real time industrail problems,so every week they wud bring a manager or supervisor from Air Bus aircraft manufacturer to give us a lecture,so industry and universities got to collaborate to make life worthwhile.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Agha waqar tricked and defrauded the entire country.His invention was against the very basic laws of thermodynamics but still nobody objected.Nobody even bothered verifying if his car exhaust smoke had petroleum based carbon content using just a simple lime based testing.Implications are staggering if a simple clown can trick the population of 180 million what about politicians whose words cant even be verified using any scientific process? Our parliamentarians were talking of switching pakistan from petroleum to Water based fuel and AQ Khan on TV congratulated this guy.R we just a bunch of goats ?


1) Instead of self analysis the people here, stay on the offensive trying to demean and discriminate the Federal Govt.
2) Their Waderas/MNA's totally eat up the allotted budget for the poor masses and motivate the poor masses to blame the federal Govt and North pakistan for their economic collapse.To hide their corruption they play a mind game and turn the poor masses against the Federal Govt.
3) People believe in having a class based society even in a university class room boys sit amongst themselves based on their financial background.Middle class boys sit together while the upper class sits separately wid each other.In other societies this only happens in workplaces not in schools and universities.
3) Total callousness of Police and no law and order at all,local thugs run the environment with highhandedness.This deters decent people from starting any business venture thus no jobs r created.
4) Nobody reacts to any injustice and stay cool wid it as if its a normal occurrence e,g a thug beating an innocent chap in the university and the passerby's just staying inert..
5) people are extremely corrupt.
6)People fear voicing their opinions in the 21st century.
7)The elite here still has an 18th century mindset e,g looking down at the poor in the society on the assumption''Lift zyadah mut kuraow sir pur churh jayay gaa'',this mentality is very very primitive and grotesque..
8) People still ask each other caste names,thats absurd and insulting.People shud be distinguished on their hard earned qualities and not on petty castes.
9)The poor helpless masses are also lacking in self respect and extremely disunited and cud be bought and sold like sheep.
10)Lack of justice and tolerance for injustices,gives a total deserted and barren look when u see the entire land mass of sindh countryside through the Train window.
11) people try to pull each others legs shamelessly thus the entire lot of humanity never comes out of the trap of poverty and ignorance.
12)Because of the narrow mindedness and suspicion of each other and the fear due to lack of safety of life and property people fear saying ''hello or Hi'' to each other thus a normal human sentiment of greeting each other is frowned upon .And that also done based on class and status in society.e,g I greet a floor sweeper in the university everyday and my friends laugh at me with a strange shock and awe as if its an alien phenomenon.
As a result of the above mentioned reasons no one sets up businesses as the environment is not conducive for such an enterprise and a mutual suspicion amongst people creates a paralyzing circumstance causing divisions in people.Businesses need collaboration and partnerships and trust .With such mistrust and misgivings no one ever sets up businesses and thus no jobs r created and people continually stay jobless that leads people to stay in a trap of abject poverty.Which further creates criminality and chaos in this society as a result everybody lives in ignorance and extreme poverty..

Friday, May 9, 2014


The Empire of Faith.

All other empires were made upon races,e,g Romans,Persians.
This empire was made simply on faith.A must watch for everybody.I suggest everybody watch it.


Rather than trying for a British university scholarship,students shud try for schengen coutries like poland,since being behind the Iron curtain before the 1990s there isnt much competition for scholarship attainment and also since being part of a schenghen visa system,u get to travel aroung 28 countries with a polish visa or an italian visa.So this is what I advised Hamza to do when we were applying for Hamzas scholarship and as a consequence he attained a scholarship to poland. With this approach one can land at Warsaw airport and further on one cud take a bus onto any of the european countries that are part of the scheghen economic area.Countries like Austria,Luxembourg ,Belgium,switzerland and sweden..
I can say this wid conviction since when I myself wanted to backpack across europe,I went to the swedish embassy in London to get a schenghen visa.Once I acquired this visa,I travelled from France to belgium to Germany and then Austria utill I reached Slovakia.All this without any immigration interference .Also it cost me just 9 pounds return for a National express bus ticket till Netherland,the only catch is u have to reserve and pay for a bus seat like a month in advance.Since urgent tickets are a bit expensive maybe like 40 pounds return from England till netherlands etc.

 RTCA correspondents Dinner:

This year a new comedian of Chinese origin JOE WONG was invited in the RTCA correspondents dinner where all the Newsreaders and journalists are normally invited as a tradition annually.watch it shud be fun.
Islamabad as its stands .a green city with tress that we grew up in will vanish.The metro bus project is being built upon that ''Green belt'' that CDA wud never allow to derail.But Nawaz sharif has convinced them to do that.Must be his exective powers.Now I guess it wud give a deserted look the city wud no longer have any distinguishing feature in it.Might as well turn like Karachi or Hyderabad.The thing has gone to court ''environment impact council''.Lets see how it turns out.Hope its scrapped.