Tuesday, May 13, 2014

WHY THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE (the last empire of Muslims) COLLAPSED:
(Its parallels in our Indian Subcontinent and European ''Renaissance'' )
 Ottoman-Turks ruled the half of Europe,parts of Africa,whole of Arabia .But because of their technical and administrative decay they gradually shriveled and were later referred to as the ''sick man of Europe''. Later they were kicked out of Europe with the same agaggression that they had first entered Europe under the command of Tariq bin Zayad an African Berber Muslim of Moroccan origin .(Tariq Bin Zeyad famous for the conquest of Spain)
Because the Muslims failed to be dynamic and were too proud of their past and never tried to learn new sciences and learning.Had we had a world vision and competed with western powers by adapting and learning the Ottoman empire (khilafate osmania) wud not have been destroyed and we cud have still been living wid dignity under an Islamic comity of nations. European ''Renaissance'' is analogous in the context that the Catholic church was opposed to any new Idea of thought similar to our Maulvis and all new developments were as aggressively opposed by them as a result erupted a new group of protesters against the old christian order in a sort of movement called ''Protestants''.The fate of Galileo his hanging in the Old renaissance time Italy and the case of ''Joan of Arc'' who was burnt at the stake by the French King and the church owing to her radical ideas which were evolved but the church opposed them though she talked of the poor.Their Catholic church opposed it as aggressively as our religious mentors (Maulvis) opposed all the new Ideas.But the European renaissance won and u see people like Leonardo Davinci and Martin Luther (the old one of Germany) brought about changes through ideas then thought as radicals which culminated in the ''French revolution'' which totally changed the fate of all the European Caucasian race altogether.Thus a new modern civilized european race emerged out of it.While our Ottoman Turk empire of muslims shud have adopted to that change and learnt new lessons and learned sciences but our pride and our religious scholars opposed all the new sciences and as a result our Last Muslim empire of Ottomans was kicked out of Europe due to its lethargic attitude.It simply lost its charm the one it had from 12th century till the 15th century under Sultan Mehmet who lost the last battle to annex the present day Austria and died doing that. At the time Syed Jamaludin afghani came and reiterated that the Khalifah shud be under the parliament and shud listen to the dictates of the parliament but he was referred to as a Kafir,an infidel by the ullemah of the time.His plan to reincarnate the muslim empire failed.Then sir syed ahmad khan is still called a kafir and abused by the religious heads,due to whose efforts in education pakistan is now a nuclear power.Because muslims before him didnt learn new sciences.
Even Allama Iqbal was referred to as the agent of the British and called a Kafir,andthe great Ullemah of the time openly declared that ''We will not participate in the making of Pakistan as it is the ''Pakistan of Iqbal' and has nothing to do with Islam''.Do u think we r sitting now free in this pakistan was that a wrong thing done by Iqbal?.Then Jinnah had always been referred to as ''Kafir e Azam'' by the maulvis of that time.

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