Sunday, December 7, 2014

How china's economy staves off millitary threats?

China simply buys off any threat,it neutralized the US threat by indebting it,bought off spains 51 percent national debt via treasury certificates,modernizing its millitary capabilities,,half of african countries economies and resources are exploited by china,Its china's century,I once travelled all of cina from Ka shgar xinjiang to Beijing and how did they mange all this?Honesty,,I saw all shopkeepers honest during 30 days of travel,,in all the length and breadth of china,economy is just a consequence of lack of corruption,

Friday, December 5, 2014

Rita running US fullbright program,,,how it works and its history? nice talk by the way.
Process is transparent.No '''Sifarish'' and shit.
Every year 150 MS and PhD go on scholarship.Girls are given a 50 % quota and remote area and unpreviliged people preferred and compensated for a bit lower qualification.If u dont have a penny in uor pocket,no need jumping off the window,,,uor ticket, food, taxi fare, room rent ,education,,medicine all paid for by fullbright.Just score good at GRE,,spend on GRE rather than buying a bloody fancy mobile.…/x2bugbc_naeem-bokhari-ke-saath…

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

US and Australia refused joining china's new world bank,,,,there hypocrisy and double standards very apparent now
Chinas ''Infrastructure development bank '' specifically made to break IMF's hegemony in Asia and 3rd world,,so pakistan cud borrow from china and relieve itself of US hegemony
Fatimah bhutto is a total hypocrite,saviour of the cruel feudal system that has dehumanized masses in south pakistan
Without Adolf HITLER Pakistan/India wud still be under the British yoke.He is as much the father of our nation as Jinnah.Only did Wehrmacht(german army) and
V 2's break the British army's resolve to continue on with its colonies. Gandhi/Jinnah were pretty much a side show.
In a Rats race whether u win or Lose,U are still a Rat.
(One great reason why nobody studying for these exams,lol)
Modi has given the highest tender for weapon procurement from USA in its 60 years history..Outsmarted pakistan.Weapons arent a factor in war anymore our propoganda on our nuclear strike capability makes us a laughing stock.The real war is economic war and corporate growth is an essential variable in it.If we ignore it'we might as well live in ''Alice in the wonderland''.
If u have the following issues:
Have difficulty paying attention in class/Takes u longer to prepare for exams than uor class mates/Are easily distracted and forgetful/Are frequently late/Have difficulty finishing tasks/Are disorganized and misplace items/Make careless mistakes/Become bored quickly/Have poor concentration/Are sensitive to stress/Are indecisive/Are inefficient at doing assignments/Have an internal restlessness/Often get overwhelmed by daily tasks/Fidget excessively/Are always “on the go”/Cannot sit through class/Talk excessively/Interrupt others all the time/Are impatient/Are easily frustrated/Drive too fast or recklessly/Often miss classes.
Then its no personality fault of uors ,U simply got ADHD.(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
So don't be shy or chicken-out rather get help..
Uor life shall improve tremendously.
The Afghani state institutions need to be established their solid traditions put in place.US leaving Afghainstan now wud evaporate them instantly and like the well known past,afghans wud go again into a despicable civil war .State wud collapse so wud schools, jobs,electrci supply and war lordism wud take over.It wud be a total chaos,human misery.
Whether Imran khan pulls down the PM or not thats secondary..He has established himself as a very lethal pressure group who can at will sabotage any city ,Town and pressurize any issue into hapening or not hapening which is initself a power.What is prime-ministership? it is an executive ability to make people obey.By that definition he is already a primeminister.He can pull crowds where and at will.People more than obey him rather they spend money to elevate his causes.Thats an awesome power.Pulling down Nawaz sharif is secondary.Even Imran khan knows that himself he is only trying to establishing himself as a worthy stakeholder.Thats good for us all..