Sunday, December 4, 2022

Its not "Cool" to be apolitical.Rather its criminal negligence

South-African Apartheid at its worst.Amazing that 1400 years ago such racist cruelties were eliminated by Islam in the Arab lands and hence in their conquered territories though were primitive times

(De Beer diamond mine worker is X-rayed at the end of his shift. Kimberley, South Africa. October 1954.)

Why British conquered India and why we self pity

But we should have fought tooth and nail with the British and Siraj jud daullah shouldnt have lost the battle with the East india company in the 1700s in the battle of Plassey when his forces numbered 50,000 and British were just 3000 strong and they defeated him by intense loyalty of their troops.The Pathans of FATA didnt lose the battle at Waziristan and hence never got conquered that sets a great precedence.This plundering of our wealth by the british is our fault we shudnt self pity and get united.Its the thief's job to steal and its the home owners job to keep the doors locked.We didnt lock our doors so we werent doing our job right while the thief did everything professionally so we cant blame the thief

We are taught to hate our shared border nations such as India the foremost
Pakistan's biggest dilemma is that it has made big enemies with its bordering nations.If u go abroad we Pakistanis and Indians always hang out together and always look for Indian restaurants to fill up our bellies except when we are within our borders.
To hate India is taught us from childhood in our syllabus and by our elders .And we r taught until our one disputed area issue is not resolved we cant be friends with India but in reality hardly is there any country in the world which doesn't have a disputed area conflict with its neighbors. Japan has one region of Russia still under its occupation.India has a full province of China that it has kept forcefully and so on and so forth but none has that do or die battle that we have with India since our inception in 1947.
The Anglo Saxon Parliamentary system only works well in a few countries like New Zealand, Australia,Canada and of course England but has failed else where especially Pakistan because it needs a very high moral standard among the populace to have it work.
The very reason why the dictatorships have performed a lot better in Pakistan

Democracy cant be sprayed upon the public like a Corona spray. It works on the basic principle that all people listen to each other because all know that we have to listen because the other person has temperament to communicate and listen both in a dignified way and with patience.But in an average house hold in Pakistan since childhood the children are taught that nobody apart from you is right and you are the most truthful of all and anyone apart from you is either lying or is conspiring or totally dumb at least if not the former and therefore couldn't reach the truth.Hence such a child can never learn democracy till hell freezes over because its an inbuilt mechanism within him that apart from him everyone else is wrong at all costs and if someone is slightly true than probably its something he learned from him which he had forgotten.Now with this psychology of the public at large democracy just cannot work in such a population with such a psyche.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

The court case against Jullian Assange in Britain proves the extraterritorial reach of the United states.If convicted or extradited to the US, it would severely suppress freedom of press around the world.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Whether Imran khan pulls down the PM or not thats secondary..He has established himself as a very lethal pressure group who can at will sabotage any city ,Town and pressurize any issue into hapening or not hapening which is initself a power.What is prime-ministership? it is an executive ability to make people obey.By that definition he is already a primeminister.He can pull crowds where and at will.People more than obey him rather they spend money to elevate his causes.Thats an awesome power.Pulling down Nawaz sharif is secondary.Even Imran khan knows that himself he is only trying to establish himself as a worthy stakeholder.Thats good for us all..
people tend to say Imran khan is creating chaos and damaging economy,well there's no other way to bring down this ''Assortment of criminals'',so as Charles sumner once said '' Let justice be done,,though the heavens fall'',
Civil society protested today in Peshawar against Talibans and blocked roads. Talibans were not able to reach their offices on time.
(They've gone ape or what? lol)
PAKISTANIS MUST ADOPT MULTICULTURALISM:RACISM IS OUT OF FASHION.(No province belongs to any particular ethnicity)
Today's world is about ''MULTICULTURALISM'' the chief motivation behind making the European Union.Different races living in harmony create innovation,improves economy,and creates a resilient society.
In London u wud see all the races Polish Pakis,Czechs,Romanians,Indians,somalians,all living in harmony.That has improved Tax generation and has created jobs rather then usurp them..In europe if u talk of racism like they do in pakistan people dont invite you to parties or Dinners or stop hanging out wid u.As its considered a sign of moral degradation.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

How china's economy staves off millitary threats?

China simply buys off any threat,it neutralized the US threat by indebting it,bought off spains 51 percent national debt via treasury certificates,modernizing its millitary capabilities,,half of african countries economies and resources are exploited by china,Its china's century,I once travelled all of cina from Ka shgar xinjiang to Beijing and how did they mange all this?Honesty,,I saw all shopkeepers honest during 30 days of travel,,in all the length and breadth of china,economy is just a consequence of lack of corruption,

Friday, December 5, 2014

Rita running US fullbright program,,,how it works and its history? nice talk by the way.
Process is transparent.No '''Sifarish'' and shit.
Every year 150 MS and PhD go on scholarship.Girls are given a 50 % quota and remote area and unpreviliged people preferred and compensated for a bit lower qualification.If u dont have a penny in uor pocket,no need jumping off the window,,,uor ticket, food, taxi fare, room rent ,education,,medicine all paid for by fullbright.Just score good at GRE,,spend on GRE rather than buying a bloody fancy mobile.…/x2bugbc_naeem-bokhari-ke-saath…

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

US and Australia refused joining china's new world bank,,,,there hypocrisy and double standards very apparent now
Chinas ''Infrastructure development bank '' specifically made to break IMF's hegemony in Asia and 3rd world,,so pakistan cud borrow from china and relieve itself of US hegemony
Fatimah bhutto is a total hypocrite,saviour of the cruel feudal system that has dehumanized masses in south pakistan
Without Adolf HITLER Pakistan/India wud still be under the British yoke.He is as much the father of our nation as Jinnah.Only did Wehrmacht(german army) and
V 2's break the British army's resolve to continue on with its colonies. Gandhi/Jinnah were pretty much a side show.
In a Rats race whether u win or Lose,U are still a Rat.
(One great reason why nobody studying for these exams,lol)